Q & A

To help you make an informed decision regarding laser assisted cataract surgery, our team of vision experts have answered the following questions that you may come across during your decision making process.

Will I have both eyes operated on at the same time?

Surgery is conducted on one eye at a time. If your second eye requires surgery this can usually be done as early as several weeks after your first operation.

What surgical technique is used?

Phacoemulsification is the technique most frequently used to remove a cataract. There are a variety of surgical modifications that may be used. These include suture less surgery, topical anesthesia (no needle is used), and using different types of lens implants. The specific details of your surgery will be discussed with you to give the highest chance of an optimal result.

Will I need glasses after surgery?

Generally speaking, glasses will not be required for many of your daily activities. Depending on the type of lens implant used for your cataract surgery, you may require glasses for sharp distance viewing and/or for work.

Which activities am I restricted from doing after cataract surgery?

You may participate in most activities after surgery. This includes moderately strenuous physical activity as well as walking. Activities of normal daily living, such as bending, hair-washing, washing dishes, vacuuming, etc., may also be done. After surgery, Dr. Wiens will discuss with you how soon you may be able to start driving.

Will cataract surgery affect other eye diseases?

Many eye conditions are not affected by cataract surgery. Others, such as diabetes of the eye or macular degeneration on occasion do worsen after surgery. Generally speaking, cataract surgery will not affect other eye conditions that you may have.

Why do some people not see well after surgery?

Even when there are no complications during or after cataract surgery, occasionally your vision may not be as good as expected. Other problems affecting your vision may only be detected after surgery once your cataract has been removed. Your vision may not improve to the anticipated level because of other eye diseases like macular degeneration and diabetic eye disease.

As discussed earlier, other problems affecting your vision may sometimes only be detected after your surgery. This would mean that your vision would not improve as much as expected and you would not get the full benefit of the Multifocal or Toric lenses. This could happen despite the extra speciality lens testing done before your cataract surgery.

Which type of cataract surgery has a longer wait list?

Your surgical wait time is not affected whether you choose traditional or laser assisted cataract surgery.

Who should consider FLARCS?

FLACS, also known as Femto Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery, in short is laser cataract surgery. At the present time, there does not appear to be a significant difference in the final visual result between traditional and laser assisted cataract surgery. However, it is a precise placement of incisions attempting to minimize your astigmatism, and aiming to decrease your need for glasses. It does this while minimizing the energy and manipulations needed to remove your cataract. The CATALYS™ System also improves the accuracy in placement of the toric or multifocal lenses, should they be chosen.

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